Erica ellyson sex

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She's a sultry Southern belle from Texas who has stolen the hearts of men around the globe. The unforgettable Erica Ellyson is that brunette knockout who is so stunning that we gave her two Penthouse Pet titles - one for Pet of the Month for January 2007, and the goddess was also crowned our Pet of the Year for 2008. Biggest turn-on: Chivalry Biggest turn-off: Facial hair Dream vacation spot: Ireland and Scotland If I had a million dollars, I'd: Buy a piece of property on a lake and design my dream home, and invest a bunch of money. I love to eat! Favorite TV shows: The O.C., Lost, Desperate Housewives Favorite sex scene: The bathroom scene in Unfaithful. Pet of the Year 2008 and Penthouse Pet of the Month January 2007 Favorite music: Country Favorite food: Seafood, stead and potatoes.

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